
One month, eight flights, a few cars, vans and buses, 8 different beds and we are all still standing. Just.

Thanks to those who have prayed. The boys have gone better than expected although little tell-tale signs of tiredness are creeping in.

We had an emotional week in NZ. Thanks for praying for my sister Ruth, please continue to pray. She has had one round of chemotherapy and will start round 2 soon. Her tumour was large and advanced but they are hoping that 3 rounds of chemo will shrink it enough to make surgery successful. Please keep her and Jon and Gabby in your prayers.

Then a whirlwind week in Rzhyshchiv where I realised it’s impossible to catch up with 6 years of friends in a week. However, it was great to see people.


We had 2 days family rest in Lviv which was just wonderful.

By the time we next write JAM we will be in a house in Dushanbe and hopefully have some photos to share and something more resembling a routine.

Thank God for travelling mercies so far. Two more legs to go.

Jonny Peace’s Piece


I say hello and goodbye with ease, however I haven’t shown what I really feel about it deep down. I sleep talk at night and sometimes it is about food, sometimes about airplanes but sometimes about people I miss.

William Kind’s Comments


I’ve learned to roll. I’m now a liability to myself. Pretty much everyone else thinks I’m just cute.


Marie who constantly supports me in everything and pushes through even when extremely tired.

Love from,

Jono, Marie, Jonny and Will Miller