
We are in our final month in Dushanbe. The next update will come to you from the crisp clean air of the Pamir Mountains – God willing. We have had great culture coaching in our orientation, we have made a start on language learning, we have settled into a new and different place, we have a level of familiarity and comfort in the capital city which will help us as we will come through here probably 3-4 times a year.. We are now starting to collect all we need to transition one more time. Pray for sanity as we make our list and check it twice. We have a long cold winter to last through in the mountains before we will be back. But we are happy to go. We are happy to re-establish friendships (Marie) and make new ones (Jono and boys).



Shopping with Daddy. On the bed with Mama. Playing with Will. These are just a few of the things I love to do each day. I love to list off the names of everyone I’ve met in the past couple of months. I love it when I get to see some of them on Skype (even though I get bored after a minute). I read and reread the books I have memorised (anyone want to send more books). I like cornflakes and milk. Daddy bought some speakers so now I can dance to my Colin Buchanan songs. At the shops ladies pick me up and kiss me and then they give me candy. I give it to Daddy to “have one later” (I never seem to remember to ask for it later though). After we go out somewhere, when we get back to our gate, I love to say loudly “our home”. But the best thing is my new Duplo and train set. I love playing with it.



I sat up for the first time the other day. It’s not that hard and you can really get the adults worrying by just tipping one way and then the other. I’ve also worked out how to move around on the floor to get what I want, but the adults keep moving what I want away from me. So I have taken to sucking Jonny’s toys. Most of the time Jonny is pretty good about sharing them with me. I also think that sleep time should be as unpredictable as possible, just to keep everyone guessing.


Jono’s sister Ruth has had successful surgery and is nearly finished with chemo and is on the road to recovery.


Thanks to the P family for Jonny’s new Duplo and train set. He LOVES it!


Love from

Jono, Marie, Jonny and Will Miller