
The Cat’s in the Cradle

I received the following text message from Marie today. “He just tried shaving his face with your razor. It was kind of cute. And scary. But cute. He wants to be like his Daddy.” The way Jonny imitates me is flattering. From the words he says, to the way he walks, to what he does with his hands. He is going to grow up just like me! I hope he can recognise the gold and dodge the dross. God is still refining me.


Life in the Big Smoke

April felt like a massive month. We finished Term 1 after eleven weeks of teaching and headed north to Brisbane. We had time with friends and family which is always short lived but much appreciated.

We came back to Sydney, packed up our house and moved from Beecroft to Eastwood. I now have a slightly longer commute to work, but we are blessed to be in a furnished house with three bedrooms. We now have room for baby #2 as well as overseas guests coming to see grandchildren. We would love to have visitors come and have a tea or coffee with us before we leave.

We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped set up, run, attended, looked after Jonny and packed up for our afternoon tea last Saturday. It was a real encouragement for us to see so many of our friends from different parts of our lives there. We have been blessed by your friendship more than we can say. It’s amazing to be part of such a supportive community.

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The COUNTDOWN is on!

May 17th is our son’s due date, that’s less than two weeks! Lots of people have been asking if we’re ready and I struggle to know how to answer that. We have all the baby gear that we could possibly desire, but are we ready for night feedings and sleep deprivation and trying to comfort a toddler through a pretty massive change? Not sure. I guess we’ll find out pretty soon!

We won’t be doing it all on our though. We are looking forward to a visit from Jono’s parents and then from Marie’s mom shortly after our new baby is born. It will be great to get to spend some quality time with each of them before we say our goodbyes and head off to Central Asia.

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Jonny Peace’s Piece

“Amen!” Everyone always laughs and gives me plenty of attention when I say that, so that’s one of my favourite words at the moment. Mama and Daddy invited some people over for afternoon tea and they set all sorts of yummy things on the coffee table, but even though I said “amen” over and over, they didn’t offer me any of the food which was very confusing to me. I love dancing and clapping and playing in the dry leaves on the other side of the cul-de-sac. I am equally fascinated by and wary of dogs, but I’ve found that a pretty effective way of getting them to back off is to bark back at them. Or hide behind Mama or Daddy.


To the Peacock family for being good landlords and great friends for the past two years.

Love from,

Jono, Marie and Jonny Miller

Keep Looking Up

Proverbs 3:5-6

Psalm 27